4 Habits To Avoid In Real Estate Business

[fa icon="calendar'] 07-Mar-2017 17:00:00 / by iProperty.com Malaysia Team posted in Agents, Negotiators, Business, Habits, Tips, Buyers, Real Estate, Communication

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Real estate agents usually have plenty to juggle at any given moment while conducting their business affairs and that doesn’t even include the various unicycles, skateboards and scooters that they often have to ride at the same time. Given such scenarios, it is understandable that bad habits can develop.

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Be A Likeable Agent And Close Deals Faster

[fa icon="calendar'] 11-Oct-2016 17:08:03 / by iProperty.com Malaysia Team posted in Agents, Habits, Tips

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When meeting with potential buyers and investors, your friendliness and pleasantry will help you form positive relationships and make the deal-closing process much easier. Below are some suggestions on how you can be an affable agent among your potential customers:

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Sleep Your Way To A Productive Day

[fa icon="calendar'] 05-Sep-2016 17:17:20 / by iProperty.com Malaysia Team posted in Agents, Negotiators, Sleep, Habits, Productivity, Tips

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Have you ever felt that there are not enough hours in the day to get things done? If you think that by taking work home so you’d have less to do the next day, you’re wrong.

What you need is a good night’s sleep to keep you refreshed and energetic when you meet with potential buyers and investors. Find out how you can sleep better to boost your productivity here!

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