iProperty.com Malaysia Team

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6 Must-Haves For a Killer Real Estate Content Marketing Strategy

[fa icon="calendar'] 06-Dec-2017 09:00:00 / by iProperty.com Malaysia Team posted in Marketing, Agents, Negotiators, Success, Business, Tips, Buyers, Real Estate, Guides, Content, Consistency, Commitment

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Before the rise of the Internet, finding a real estate agent meant asking people you know for referrals or stopping by your local real estate office to ask for the agent on duty. Today, the Internet has changed the way businesses are found and won. Your content marketing strategy plays a vital role in achieving business success. But real estate content marketing requires careful planning. What you’re going to say, where you’re going to say it, and who’s going to read it. All of these details require a purposeful strategy and thoughtful execution.

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5 Powerful Ways to Get More Real Estate Referrals

[fa icon="calendar'] 28-Nov-2017 09:00:00 / by iProperty.com Malaysia Team posted in Agents, Negotiators, Success, Business, Tips, Buyers, Real Estate, Communication, Guides, Consistency, Commitment

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The real estate industry is highly competitive. With so many agents in the market, you have to work even harder to reach out. An effective way to retain and grow your real estate business is via referrals. Studies show that 75% of an agent’s business comes from referrals and word-of-mouth, which means that 20% of your previous buyers and investors are responsible for 75% of your business. With your growth potential relying heavily on referrals, you should focus on things you can do to increase and amplify them. 

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Boost Your Real Estate Business with the 3 C’s of Marketing

[fa icon="calendar'] 23-Nov-2017 09:00:00 / by iProperty.com Malaysia Team posted in Marketing, Agents, Negotiators, Success, Business, Tips, Buyers, Real Estate, Communication, Guides, Consistency, Commitment

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There are many tips that could benefit an agent or agency but we will keep it simple for you and focus on the “three most critical C’s”. These three C’s are the most essential components necessary for achieving success in the real estate industry. So how do you ensure the success of marketing efforts?

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