Top 5 Networking Tips For Real Estate Agents

[fa icon="calendar"] 05-Jul-2017 08:00:00 / by Malaysia Team


For real estate agents, networking is a great way to get ahead of the curve and make lasting contacts. A vital element of having a successful real estate career is the ability to make connections and form strong relationships. Networking allows you to learn from your peers and helps you generate business with prospective buyers and investors.

Here are five tips to ace real estate networking opportunities:

  • Organise networking events

Having your own networking event is a great way to meet potential buyers and investors. Additionally, the session can help you forge a better relationship with them.

As it’s your own event, it’ll be easier to advertise or pitch your agency to the public as it will usually be free from competing agents.

  • Discard the elevator pitch

As an agent, try not to use the same elevator pitch in each networking event. In order to vary your talking points, don’t try to impress someone with your title and expertise.

Instead, try to captivate your audience with qualitative questions such as their unique interest or hobby as it shows you’re being sincere in listening to their stories.

  • Examine your motivations

As an agent, you will have more experience and insights than your buyers. Even so, you need to be able to help your buyers make their own decisions which means taking a more relaxed approach to assist and educate them.

  • Engage in meaningful conversations

At a networking event, quality is more important than quantity. You may feel compelled to talk to as many people as possible but it is more beneficial to speak to fewer people and have meaningful conversations with them.

By having an authentic conversation whereby you show genuine interest, it’s easier to build a mutually beneficial relationship.

  • Network, network, network

Attending a networking event means speaking to people from different levels and not only those you’re familiar with. Always ensure that once you meet up with people you know, to move on from the group after five minutes and greet new contacts.

By diversifying, your network multiplies as every new prospect opens up a whole new network of contacts.  

  • Follow up

The more you invest in networking, the more valuable it becomes. After meeting someone, immediately follow up either by e-mail or call to keep the conversation going.

If you stay in touch, you have a better chance of being in their radar when they want to buy or sell a property.

There is always room to improve on how you network and practice makes perfect. The more you network and build relationships, the better you’ll be as a real estate agent. The next time you attend a networking session, try to mentally prepare yourself and take these tips out for a spin.

Topics: Agents, Negotiators, Business, Tips, Buyers, Real Estate, Motivation, Skills, Networking

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