Improve Your Communication Skills With These 5 Steps

[fa icon="calendar"] 12-Oct-2017 08:00:00 / by Malaysia Team


As a real estate agent, there are many skills that can help turn your career into a success. Communication is one the most important skills for agents to master as it leads everything that you do, whether you’re explaining the buying process to a first-time homebuyer, negotiating an offer for a seller or marketing to prospects via social media, your blog or your website.

Here are 5 ways real estate agents can learn to master great communication skills:

  • Consider Your Body Language

You’re negotiating a deal and you say that you are open to discussing the terms of the offer but your arms are crossed and you haven’t made eye contact.

You say you can close this deal but your body language is saying otherwise. Remember, you’re constantly communicating even when you’re not talking.

  • Share Your Stories And Experiences

Sharing your stories and experiences with potential buyers show that you are engaging them and building trust.

This lets them know you have the experience and knowledge to guide them well. At the same time, you’re also engaging them and bringing them into the conversation.

  • Listen, Repeat And Question

Being a good listener keeps everyone on the same page. Practise this by asking questions and paraphrasing what your buyers say.

This shows you are paying attention and are interested in what they have to say. It also helps to clarify any points that you may have understood or misheard.

  • Don't Be Distracted

When conversing with your buyers, put your mobile phone away. Avoid answering your calls if they are not urgent and focus on the conversation that you’re having.

It is a common issue in today’s technology-focused society but you can step away from your devices to ensure effective and efficient communication.

  • Make Eye Contact

Good eye contact is another important skill that all agents should learn. Studies have shown that making eye contact conveys truth and honour.

However, the over-use of eye contact can make the other person feel uncomfortable. Do make direct eye contact now and then but don’t take it too far.

Remember that the more you practise good communication skills with buyers, investors and other real estate affiliates, the more effective you are at communicating. Good communication takes practice but it is well worth the effort. Improving these skills will not only improve your real estate career but also your life as well as relationships with others.

Topics: Agents, Negotiators, Business, Tips, Career, Real Estate, Efficiency, Communication, Guides, Skills, Effectiveness

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