Enhance Your Business and Career with Feng Shui

[fa icon="calendar"] 29-Aug-2016 17:32:21 / by iProperty.com Malaysia Team


How does being a successful property agent or negotiator sound to you? Did you know that you can use Feng Shui to help you achieve your business and career goals? Well, if you want to close deals like a boss, then you might want to apply some basic Feng Shui advice to your business and career. Read on and find out how to use Feng Shui to your career advantage.

Your business and career have a life of their own, and Feng Shui has many tools that can help you obtain success and prosperity. In order to achieve this status, you have to assess the overall energy of your career, how you work when in and out of the office, and your specific career objectives. Your work and life issues map directly to your working style. 

Here are 3 simple (yet powerful) Feng Shui tips for your business and career:

  • Surround Yourself with Reminders of Success

Surround yourself with the reminders of success, such as images of your own career highlights or that of others whom you would like to replicate, or photos of people you admire and want to emulate.

Tip: Only use the traditional Feng Shui career success images like that of running horses or a powerful Feng Shui dragon with a pearl in its claw if they speak to you of career success.

  • Keep Your Career Path Open

Keep your career path opened by enhancing your personal chi and your professional appeal by dressing well and taking care of your overall health, hygiene and appearance.

Tip: Showing gratitude to buyers who have closed deals with you is also an excellent Feng Shui cure as it creates goodwill, and this will help to keep your business and career afloat.

  • Purify Your Atmosphere with Greenery

Harness the positive energy by surrounding yourself with a lush green environment to purify the air around you, lower the EMF radiation, and maintain the freshness and vibrancy of your personal energy.

Tip: Remember that Feng Shui is only there to help support your efforts, not replace them, and you have to be consistent when applying Feng Shui to attract career success in order to enjoy good results.

It might take a while for you to achieve your goals as it depends on your own energy and the energy of your office. Ensure that your workspace is filled with positive energy and allowed to permeate through everything in your office environment to achieve your dreams of having a successful career.

Topics: Agents, Negotiators, Feng Shui, Business, Tips, Career

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