When crisis hits, you may employ familiar methods to get out alive. Using the same lead generation techniques may not work as some of the techniques could be outdated. So it’s time to start thinking out of the box for new marketing strategies, including strong online marketing techniques and word-of-mouth marketing.
If you’re not sure where to start, here are some tried-and-tested methods for your lead generation efforts:
- Optimise Your Messaging
Be mindful of the messages that you display on your marketing materials. Try using powerful words like “ROI”, “cost savings” or “reduce costs” to draw the attention of your prospective home buyers and sellers.
- Work Your Referrals
Avoid focusing solely on generating new buyers as your existing pool of buyers can still yield results. Buyers whom you have helped to buy, sell or invest in their properties still hold some of the highest lead conversion for you. One of the ways to do this is by asking your past buyers for testimonials and referrals.
- Revisit Old Leads
Maintain a database of leads including the ones considered “cold”. In a slow market, there is a rare chance of drumming up some interest in those leads. Implement a solid marketing campaign to reach out to the older leads and use a strong message to entice them to return to your website.
- Redefine Your Leads
Implement a structured qualification system to determine if the lead is worth your time and effort. Avoid applying the same routine to every other lead you get and maximise your time on other more promising leads instead.
These tips should be enough to keep your real estate business running during a dry spell. However, you should keep in mind that these are things that you should already be doing, not just in a slow period. Continuously boost your planning and the implementation with solid online marketing strategies and you will be well on your way to a fruitful 2017!