iRealtor Academy Blog

How to Be a Likeable Agent and Succeed

Written by Malaysia Team | 29-Aug-2017 00:00:00

Being a nice person plays a role when cultivating relationships with buyers and investors. However, it takes more than a smile to endear yourself to new prospects. Some agents are just born with natural charisma and likeability but that doesn’t mean these traits can’t be developed in you.

According to Kurt W. Mortensen, author of The Laws of Charisma, charisma is “The ability to easily build rapport, effectively influence others to your way of thinking, inspire them to achieve more, and in the process make an ally for life.

Learn how to be more likeable with these suggestions:

  • Desire to Help People

As a real estate agent, your expertise lies in helping people find property whether it’s for first-time homebuyers, seasoned buyers or investors. It’s rewarding when you help your buyers and investors find the perfect property.

Be the agent who recognises and understands their worries by not only offering solutions and values, but optimism and hope when the chips are down.

  • Enthusiasm for Real Estate

An agent who has enthusiasm for the industry radiates positivity that feeds buyers and investors’ excitement and their trust in you. Successful agents are those who love the entire process of real estate.

These include having local knowledge of a specific area, real estate trends and data, buying, selling or renting, and negotiating the best price. Your buyers and investors will appreciate your enthusiasm for the business as well as your drive and energy.

  • Pay Attention to the Little Things

Many people usually disregard the little things. Yet, it’s the little things you notice that makes you appealing to your buyers and investors.

By paying attention to how they conduct themselves, you’re actually being more attentive to their needs and wants. This makes them feel important as you’re noting down their concerns and worries.

  • Be Sincere

Being genuinely interested and sincere is a good way to endear yourself to your buyers and investors. Cultivate an inquisitive desire to learn more about them by building a relationship with each of them.

By getting to know them and understanding how you can help them, you’re already on your way to having a bond with them. Additionally, remember to always greet your buyers and investors by their names.

  • Smile

A smile shows your mood, attitude and mind-set. A warm smile and a sunny disposition helps to charm your buyers and investors. When you smile, you come across as being more likeable, kind and confident.

Buyers and investors prefer to deal with someone who looks positive instead of a moody agent who has a permanent scowl on his or her face.

Likeability comes from having a sincere heart and a genuine appreciation for being around people. A likeable agent is someone who tries to understand their buyers and investors, and find ways to solve their problems. There isn’t a hard and fast rule to becoming a likeable agent.  These are traits you can adopt, develop and practice.