Sometimes the thought of hearing “No, thank you” too many times can slow you down. Trying to promote your services to your clients has its challenges but if you add the fear of rejection to the mix, the challenge becomes overwhelming. But to realise your dream of success, you need to change your mindset. A simple shift in mindset can give you the courage and commitment to step boldly into the world of sales and move your service into the lives of your clients.
Start by taking on these quick and easy mindset shifts to improve your chances of success:
Sometimes we put the pressure on by thinking that our cold calls should result in sales. Know that the objective of cold calling is always about building your relationship with your clients. Understanding the objective can help you accept that not everyone is the perfect candidate. Always remember that clients who do not wish to be contacted aren’t saying that they don’t like you or your service; it simply means that it’s not right for them at this time.
Your clients are as human as you are, and they have feelings, moods and concerns, just like you too. If you come across a client who is rude or unpleasant, there is a chance that it is not all about you. Avoid taking it personally as your client’s mood could have already been affected by other circumstances prior to meeting with you. Give them their space and get on with your day.
We don’t often pat ourselves on the back when we achieve a huge milestone. We should do that more often. Acknowledge that the phone call or initial meeting was a success. No matter what answer you get from your prospects, celebrate the fact that you made contact and are one step closer to your ideal customer.
When you make calls or go for meetings, try to see them as statistics. If you’ve made 25 calls, the odds are good to find someone who will want to learn more. If you effectively attend four to five networking events per month instead of per year, you will be able to build more relationships and increase awareness of your brand.
You are not the only agent who’s received their share of rejection. Did you know that J. K. Rowling, the successful author of the Harry Potter saga, had her books rejected 12 times? Now her books which sold for more than 450 million copies worldwide. You are not alone in your fear and frustration but you stood your ground, your persistence will pay off and be closer to success.
No matter how emotionally attached and connected you are to your services as a real estate agent, they are only as good as your efforts to promote them. Respect the hard work and dedication that you have put in to closing all those sales deals. Remember, you can do it!